The Waldorf-User Frequently Asked QuestionsRead the Manual firstThe very first way of getting information about using your Waldorf gear are the manuals that came together with it. If you are missing the manuals because your dog, cat or baby ate them, you should check the Waldorf FTP-Server for the latest version of the manual (and the latest OS if its an MIDI-upgradeable synth) and click Archive below the Waldorf logo on top of the page. Waldorf Mailing listThere is a very fine Waldorf Mailing list (english only). Check out the Waldorf pages for more information about this Waldorf moderated THANKS !Huge thanks to everyone providing all the tips and info (alphabetic order):Sean Alexander Bernhard Doering Wolfram Franke (ex Waldorf) Jürgen Fornoff (ex Waldorf) Boele Gerkes (approved UserSoundset compiler) Achim "ASSI" Gratz Hans Heerooms Jörg Hüttner (ex Waldorf) Albert Huitsing (ex Waldorf) Ingo James Till "Qwave" Kopper Marcel Dr. Georg Müller ("swissdoc") Alexander Odden (he starting sorting all those infos) Philip Mark Pulver Frank Schneider (Waldorf) Snyxol Holger "Tsching" Steinbrink (Waldorf) Stefan Stenzel (ex Waldorf) Stefan "DocT" Trippler Eric Young (maintaining the Zen of Q pages, where a lot of the Q-information is from) ... (list not complete? Please mail me: ContributeIf you would like to contribute, please mail ichtill-kopper.dePlease mail missing Waldorf-User FAQ information, wrong spelling/grammar and errors to make this Waldorf-User FAQ better: Most pictures are © Waldorf Music AG, Sinzig, Germany, Planet WAVE ;-) |