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Product: Q series
Product: mQ series

Q: How to Update the Q/mQ O.S.

A: This is an important process since it can add all the new features of an OS update or, if done wrong, damage the Q. However, as long as you follow the steps detailed here or in the Q manual (downloadable from the Waldorf website) everything will work fine.

((And, if for some reason the power goes out during an OS upgrade, well you have only yourself to blame for not getting a conditioned backup power supply for your studio! ;)))

Q O.S.s come as standard MIDI files containing system exclusive data (SysEx) info which, when sent to the Q via MIDI just like a normal sequence, will be understood by the Q and burned into memory. The process is very similar to loading Q sounds.

There are two files which you will most likely need to update your Q with: the "boot" O.S. and the O.S. itself.

The Boot O.S. contains the data your Q uses to access the regular O.S. and is useful, for example, when an OS update attempt has failed. The Q (keyboard) and Q-rack both use the same O.S. and boot O.S., while the MicroQ has its own 2 O.S. files. Also, the Changelog.txt for the new O.S. will be available on Waldorf's site and will detail the features of the new O.S.

Insure that you get your Q O.S. update files from the Waldorf website. Its generaly a good idea to get the file(s) not long before you update to avoid the slim chance that various unrelated computer disk operations accidently corrupted the O.S. files, but this is very unlikely so its more of a precaution.

The Order is:
1) the O.S.
2) Boot O.S.
You do *not* need to restart the Q during the proceedure since after a succesful SysEx dump the Q the restart itslef to ennable the new O.S.

To Update the Q O.S.:
1) Insure that your computer, MIDI interface, and Q are all connected and working properly

3) Set your Q into the standard "Play" mode (press the Play button) to make sure its not in an edit buffer

4) Open your sequencing program (Cubase, Logic, Digital Performer) on your computer and insure that it is set to send and receive SYSEX data

5) Insure that any loop modes of playback are off as well as the metronome or any MIDI clicks

5) In your sequencer, open the O.S. update MIDI file first (*not* the Boot O.S.)

6) Set your Q as the active instrument to receive the MIDI send

7) Insure that the sequencer is set to a reasonable tempo, from 100 to 120 BPM

8) Press play on the sequencer and watch your Q's display for its current status

9) DO NOT turn off the Q during the update process!

9) If you get the message "Checksum error", then try the update again possibly with a slower tempo.
If you get the message, "Timeout", then the transmit was incomplete or played back to slowly.
If possible download the OS files again from Waldorf's website, and if necessary adjust your sequencer's tempo a little bit faster.

9) Once the upgrade has completed and the Q resets, watch its display to insure it has received the O.S. properly (it should have the new O.S. in its startup display)

10) After a quick check to insure the Q is operating in a normal fashion proceed
to ... Install the 'boot' O.S.

11) Just as before, play the boot OS file to your Q with the Q set in the standard 'Play' mode, etc.

12) DO NOT turn of the Q during the process!!

12) Watch the display as the file loads, once it's finished the Q will reset and your Q should be fully updated. Watch the display as it boots up and it should display the current O.S.

TIP: if you want to see what O.S. your Q is currently running, you can display the information by pressing the Global button and scrolling through the menu until the OS info is diplayed.

TIP 2: When you boot up your Q, it should display what OS it's running.

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